Privacy policy

Hypertext links and cookies

Hypertext links

Wiztrust’s site can contain hypertext links that redirect to other websites whose content cannot be verified by Wiztrust. Therefore, Wiztrust cannot be held responsible for breaches related to the contents available on these sites.


Browsing Wiztrust’s site can lead to the installation of cookies on the user’s PC. A cookie is a small sized file, it doesn’t allow the user to identify himself on the website, but it saves information concerning his navigation. The obtained data aims to facilitate a subsequent navigation of the user on the site and measure the number of visits.

Refusing to install a cookie may block the access to certain services. Anyhow, a browser can be easily configured in order to forbid the instalment of cookies: go to the privacy tab on your browser, choose “block all the cookies”, and then validate.

Terms and conditions for services and data treatment


A user accesses different information pages while browsing the website. Wiztrust guarantees being the owner of the publishing rights of contents accessible on the website.

Personal data

While browsing the website, the user can be led to communicate personal data in the “contact” section that contains the following fields:

  • Name (*)
  • Surname (*)
  • Email (*)
  • Phone number (*)
  • Company (*)
  • Country
  • Function

*: obligatory fields

Personal Data Protection

Wiztrust is the only owner of personal data collected pursuant to the law of Data Protection of January 6th, 1978 and to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The concerned users’ rights (access, rectification, etc…) have to be accorded by Wiztrust via the email address: Wiztrust insures the respect of any instructions written by the users on this subject.

In compliance with GDPR, Wiztrust guarantees to its users:
The collection and treatment of personal data in a lawful, loyal and transparent way for legitimate and explicit purposes. Therefore, the prior declarations concerning data treatment by a control authority are at the exclusive expense of Wiztrust.

Being the only responsible for the treatment of personal data that is collected during the navigation of the user on the website.
Being the only responsible for the means and the purpose of personal data collection, for marketing purpose in particular.

It is specified that, if necessary, Wiztrust will act in the respect of conditions concerning access, hosting, saving and restitution of user’s personal data. Wiztrust commits to use its user’s data only for its own account.

In accordance with GDPR laws, personal data is hosted and treated by Wiztrust (and its potential subcontractors) on servers situated exclusively in European Territories and are not subjected to any type of transfer outside the European Union.

Wiztrust commits to guarantee the safety and protection of personal data privacy of its users in order to avoid their alteration, damage or communication to a non-authorised third party.

Wiztrust commits to insure the respect of the strict privacy and security conditions by all the subcontractors or technical service providers. It insures personal data treatment, hosting and protection in compliance with GDPR.

Wiztrust notifies its users in case of violation of personal data as soon as it takes knowledge of it.